this is another post i copied from friendster'blog..hehe..sorry for being a bit puyos for copying the touched me deeep down~ thanx for reading my blog :D
sumthing to think about love..
aritu aku wat sesi soal ati ke ati ngn mama..aku cte bout all my crushes ..hehe..pastu aku tny r which 1 is the best she thinks..pastu mama ckp..xksah la frm where he is or how rich he kalo bleh cari org cam yg xtau…time aku form 1 kitorg excident n mama lost her left sight n lense for her right eye was mistakenly cam nk saman je hospital tu time aku tau..slambe pas dpk2 blik…kaca yg mask mata mama mmg byk n ssh nk buang..uhu..nk djadikan cte..aku tsgt la risauny sal family aku sbb kalo tgk kt tv..slaluny suami2 yg wife sakit cmni mmg slaluny angkat kaki…alhamdullilah smpai skng abah n mama still bahagia…mama pun tau the fact that she got a man that loves her wit all his heart n will be together what eva happens..aku igt lg time aku kcik..abah skit tulang blakang n tlanrtar kt spital 4 almost a year n mama was always there 4 la yg wat aku tpk…ada lg ke org cam abah n bleh ke aku pn jd cam mama..their marriage till now dah nk msk 30 thn this 24th feb..congrats to them n gud luck 4 me n all of us..
whats in my head.. |10 Responses to “sumthing to think about love..”
waa.. me too.. yang akak tahu… my mom n my dad still together 4 35 years pasal anak2… kind of sad biler tahu macam tuh.. tapi yang klakar nyer… dierorg tak leh berpisah lebih sebulan… (kes kalau mak g cuti memana) hahhaa… sweet…
how does it feel like? must be extremely blessed. i dun even have the chance..
Hmmm, , ,dah jumpe lum???
aku xrase ramai laki zmn skng bole jd mcm tu.jgn caye laki2 zmn skang ni..
ko bukan lelaki ke abu??? jangan caye kt abu ye rakan2!! =p
cweet~! ^-^
wish u all d bes in searching 4 mr rite at d rite time n rite place ^-^
like my mom is kinda independent nye type..but it goes opposite to my father (bkn x independent…but still needed my mom to be there to arrange his life..hehe)
n i wish i’ll hv som1 like my father…home-type ppl.. x d workaholic 1…^-^ rs mcm da we’ll c how..
i.a…there r still gud guys out there…u’ll find 1…
sbb bknkh lelaki yg baik itu utk perempuan yg baik?
-nilai kan diri kite…n jdkn dr kite yg terbaik…i.a kite akn diberi insan yg terbaik juga utk mendampingi kite ^-^
Ape la korg merepek nie, , , it’s either way la, , ,
vise versa, , ,
tull tak?
wa..thanx r akak n abg snior n membe2 yg sudi bg cmment..den terharu..uhu..tengkiu2..slamat bjaya jmp korgnye mr/mrs right..peace!!
sket lg…baik 4 baik or baik 4 krg baik tu sume allah yg tentukan…kte boleh pray tp sume dh dsetkan sp yg dassignkan tuk kte…so try to apreciate him/her if u hav the chance to hav a person who loves u.. k nor..sdih aku bc comment ko..xpe..allah dh bg pampasan ngn bg ko otak yg gle bijok..tgg r nnt2 aku g korek otokmu tu..haha..abu..aku pun musykil ni..ko xpcya diri sndiri nmpakny… ko dh wat ngn anak dare org r? kantoi!! baik ko ngaku 4 me..dh jmp ke blm..aku pn xtau r…tp yg pastinya…sbgai gadis mlayu aku still ikut adat..bunga d taman kene r tggu tuk dpetik…chewah…serius nih..xkan r bunga nk g cr florist kot..hehe…peace!!