Wednesday, October 14, 2009

pagi yg gelap kini sudah terang~


pagi yg cemerlang everyone!! hopefully today will be a good one..not fasting..just had sardin sandwich with some strawberry jem..was ok..huhu...with yesterday my tummy rumbling2..haish..not long till i will be forced to the toilet..hoho..then need to mandi as well...very2 sejuk this morning..came back from library around 2am last night then it was raining...sleep like a baby! love it..and to my surprise i managed to wake up and still standing till now..haha..hope will stand till the end of today..yosh!!

ok..maybe will go n see tokbak for some tips..he will be going 4 aussie dont know when..huhu..thought he will be going today..but k na said he still here tmorrow which is good news for me n yuva.haha..

oh..yesterday saw 4/5 xcept for AKyP..haha..but for sure i was not that happy compared to last event..hehe..that one didnt smile at me so my happiness scale wast that full last night..but still managed to smile while concentrating hard on the book..yea rite..haha~

thought of going to library again tonight...but after dinner date with miza,lyza,mia,farah hehe~

okies..another news..maybe will get numec paper back pray for me yea! CUAK!!! :D

peace n out ^_^

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