Thursday, February 26, 2009


Your Deadly Sins
Greed: 100%

Pride: 80%

Sloth: 80%

Gluttony: 60%

Envy: 40%

Lust: 40%

Wrath: 40%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 63%

You'll die in a shuttle crash, on your way to your resort on the moon.

what on earth i did this for? aiyak!!! funny though~ ;p

How Do You Live Your Life?

You Live Your Live Candidly
You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.
You tend to always dream of things within reach - and you usually get them.

You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.


You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.


You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.


You tend to always dream of things within reach - and you usually get them.


my late bday wishlist ;p

  1. omnia!! bila la dpt eh..*sigh*
  2. nokia 5300..since 1st saw one..fall in love with it..even if its already behind time..i still want it!! please~
  3. dslr!! an alpha would be nice~ need to polish my skill ;p
  4. novels~ LOTR n ahern's romantic~ ;p
  5. what else? a car mayb..haha..MyV!! a blue one...SE orange would be nice too..
  6. last but not least...a movie at The Signature The garden~ luvly place seriously

What's Your Learning Style?

You Are a Visual Learner
You tend to remember what you see, and you have a good eye for aesthetics.
You excel at art, design, and computer programming.
You would be an excellent film director - or the next Bill Gates!

You tend to remember what you see, and you have a good eye for aesthetics.

dead right!! a always remember people faces..but their names..hehe..sorry ppl..aesthetic?? really?? art? haha..mayb~

You excel at art, design, and computer programming.

cprog!!! definitely a YES!! LOVE them!!!

You would be an excellent film director - or the next Bill Gates!

bill gates? whoaaa!! ;p

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

my bday wisher~

23rd was my birthday n bestday..nothing big but it was a happy day..thanx everypne for making it..thanx my housmate for pakating to make mia bake us the luvly~ my favorite.."azyy tua" hehe..thanx mia n eda for that...thanx lyza for my new MR Brown..thanx shima n fatehah n ika for delicious chocs..n thanx ita for an evening at mid tgether...and everyone who actually i know who actually mind those birthday reminder we keep on getting even when we dont even know those birthday boy/girl...hehe..well here the list...i keep track just for fun..just as appreciation to my beloved friends~

1.      Ain* K su*Mia*Farah jawahir*Mama*Khai nubhanFC *abah*Mia+cuppycakes!!*her*Meah*Fifi*Mirul*Nurul*Lyza+teddy mr brown*Huda* Tili* Hadi*Eda*ajoy*Ira*Abg basir*El,alia,aini raman,syera,meah,wawa,her,ili,etc from fb*Mad*Shima,ika, fatehah+chocs*Yana*Fairuz*Venod* ACAP!!*K azua*K onny*

Your Birthday Predicts You're Fieryblog

Your Birthday Predicts You're Fiery
Ever since you were born, you've loved taking risks.
You crave excitement and thrills. You are driven by your passion.

You may have a wild streak, but you also love learning and experiencing life.
You're multi-faceted and can't be labeled. You're sexy, smart, flexible, and stubborn.

Monday, February 23, 2009

1st entry of the age~ ;p's already 6.21am i'am turning 23..hope this year would be greater n happier!! my favorite number!! being me~

Sunday, February 22, 2009

tagging untag~

Best day Award - hopefully today ;p

Best Memory Award - pmr kot. haha

Best Friend Award - nad! miss u girl!!

Best Enemy Award - Bush?.

Song of The Year - Lovebug-adikberadik Jonas ;p

Movie of the year - geng: pengembaraan Bermula

Male Singer of the year - Faizal Tahir

Female singer of the year - Rihanna (fre tickets is the reason ;p)

Duo/Band of the year - adik beradik Jonas

Actor of the year - Vin Diesel

Actress of the year - Dinaz

TV program of the year - AF count?

DJ of the year - DJ azyy ;p

TV host of the year - Nabil n Aznil(if he ever going for AF again..huhu.

Scandal of the year - Norman Hakim yg ampes ;p

Best Hang Out Spot - on my bed :)

Best Cinema - Alamanda

Best Eating Place - nasi ayam mawar.

Best Bowling Spot - aloq staq..with my fren..without just lame~.

Best Bookshop - anywhere got books.

Best Shopping Spot - JJ

Best Karaoke Spot - xreti karok2 ni

Mostly Done Activity - facebooking..haha..i'm addicted

Best Website - Facebook.

Other awards you would like to give - best birthday present giver..hoho

The most shocking news - my cats were given away..uhuhu..miss the,.

Best Things that happen - get to know him~

The worst moments - loosing best friend

fear of tmorrow!!

tmorow my birthday!! but for the first time ever ( as far as i remember) i never kept silence about it like this..haha..usually i spread on the news even a month earlier...but since its my 23rd..i decided to be more mature..ahaks..yesterday was the last time i told sumone tmorow is my today is reminder free day..just waiting for the clock to tick away...just curios who would remember my bday ;p next entry definitely the list of my bday wisher ;p just glad no one reading this...i hope~ ;p

i'm mature?? really? aiyak!!

You Are Very Mature
Even though you may not always feel like it, you're a full fledged adult.
And while everyone should be as mature as you, most people aren't!

What Element is Your Body?

Your Body's Element is Water
You are a joyful, relaxed, and luminous person.
You love people. You live for making new friends and helping others.

You are enthusiastic and the ideal person to work with.
You don't mind doing hard tasks, and you have a generous spirit.

Your energy tends to be: conserved

You power color is: black

my comment: kinda not true..haha..its computer generated anyway~

You are a joyful, relaxed, and luminous person.
You love people. You live for making new friends and helping others.

yes i am!! love meeting new people..especially older ones~ love to see older couple..

You are enthusiastic and the ideal person to work with.


You don't mind doing hard tasks, and you have a generous spirit.

generous spirit? really? remembering last sem..dont think so!! hahaha~i luv to bully my groupmate..hahaha..evil part of me~

Your energy tends to be: conserved

1st law of thermdynamics : energy cannot be created or destroyed~ ;p

You power color is: black

just think bout doing a black wedding..tired of typical white wedding~ ;p

friends to me~


it has much deeper meaning than just sumone u like n spend time with each n everyday in ur life..mia (my house-mate says best friends are whom u can spend time even with silence~ it may be true but it kinda weird from my view..i'm not that talkative(really?) ..the point is, i really cant stand i grow older (tmorow my birthday!!!) i think i should be more mature in this sort of thing..compromise n just let it be..i cant expect they are like me..people r people..they change..n so am i..i must accept however they are if i want to be their friend..learn, accept and love them however n whoever they are~

You Are Ready, Willing, and Able to Commit ;p

is this true? might be ;p

You Are Ready, Willing, and Able to Commit
You are not scared of commitment in the least.
In fact, there's a good chance that you're already committed to someone you love.

You are willing to give up a little freedom for relationship stability.
And once you're in a relationship, you'll do almost anything to make things work.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kerana Dia Manusia Biasa

before u read on, just a bit from my heart..this article i republished here is from actually, i've read this before but since this is my 2nd time so i think it does touches not only my but others's about a girl who've been hurt because of love and when the time came she just knew's the right always make me think..does this sort of guys still exist in this real world? if it does..will i ever deserve one of them? any of us would definitely want a real man like this to eventually exist in we deserve him? as Allah says..only them who deserve will deserve..only the good will deserve the i one of them? or am i just the average needing the best to make me the best? only Allay knows~

Kerana Dia Manusia Biasa
diedit oleh : everjihad

Email ini dipetik daripada seorang sahabat, dan saya forwardkan untuk manfaat kepada diri saya dan semua.

Semoga bermanfaat baik untuk yang melamar ataupun yang dilamar, ataupun bagi yang sudah berumah tangga. Renungan buat yang sedang mencari pasangan hidup ataupun yang sedang mengemudi bahtera rumah tangga. Mengapa? Kerana Dia Manusia Biasa.

Setiap kali ada sahabat yang ingin menikah, saya selalu mengajukan pertanyaan yang sama. Kenapa kamu memilih dia sebagai suami/isterimu? Jawappannya ada bermacam-macam. Bermula dengan jawapan kerana Allah hinggalah jawapan duniawi. Tapi ada satu jawapan yang sangat menyentuh di hati saya. Hingga saat ini saya masih ingat setiap butir percakapannya. Jawapan dari salah seorang teman yang baru saja menikah. Proses menuju pernikahannya sungguh ajaib. Mereka hanya berkenalan 2 bulan. Kemudian membuat keputusan menikah. Persiapan pernikahan mereka hanya dilakukan dalam waktu sebulan saja. Kalau dia seorang akhwat, saya tidak hairan. Proses pernikahan seperti ini selalu dilakukan. Dia bukanlah akhwat, sebagaimana saya. Satu hal yang pasti,dia jenis wanita yang sangat berhati-hati dalam memilih suami. Trauma dikhianati lelaki membuat dirinya sukar untuk membuka hati. Ketika dia memberitahu akan menikah, saya tidak menganggapnya serius. Mereka berdua baru kenal sebulan. Tapi saya berdoa, semoga ucapannya menjadi kenyataan. Saya tidak ingin melihatnya menangis lagi. Sebulan kemudian dia menemui saya. Dia menyebutkan tarikh pernikahannya. Serta meminta saya untuk memohon cuti, agar dapat menemaninya semasa majlis pernikahan. Begitu banyak pertanyaan dikepala saya.

Saya ingin tahu! Mengapa dia begitu mudah menerima lelaki itu. Ada apakah gerangan? Tentu suatu hal yang istimewa. Hingga dia boleh memutuskan untuk bernikah secepat ini. Tapi sayang, saya sedang sibuk ketika itu(benar-benar sibuk). Saya tidak dapat membantunya mempersiapkan keperluan pernikahan. Beberapa kali dia menelefon saya untuk meminta pendapat tentang beberapa perkara. Beberapa kali saya telefon dia untuk menanyakan perkembangan persiapan pernikahannya. Kami tenggelam dalam kesibukan masing-masing. Saya mengambil cuti 2 hari sebelum pernikahannya. Selama cuti itu saya memutuskan untuk menginap di rumahnya. Pukul 11 malam sehari sebelum pernikahannya, baru kami dapat berbual -hanya-berdua. Hiruk-pikuk persiapan akad nikah esok pagi, sungguh membelenggu kami. Pada awalnya kami ingin berbual tentang banyak hal. Akhirnya, dapat juga kami berbual berdua. Ada banyak hal yang ingin saya tanyakan. Dia juga ingin bercerita banyak perkara kepada saya. Beberapa kali Mamanya mengetuk pintu, meminta kami tidur.

"Aku tak boleh tidur." Dia memandang saya dengan wajah bersahaja.

Saya faham keadaanya ketika ini.

"Matikan saja lampunya, biar disangka kita dah tidur."

"Ya.. ya." Dia mematikan lampu neon bilik dan menggantinya dengan lampu yang samar.

Kami meneruskan perbualan secara berbisik-bisik. Suatu hal yang sudah lama sekali tidak kami lakukan. Kami berbual banyak perkara, tentang masa lalu dan impian-impian kami. Wajah keriangannya nampak jelas dalam kesamaran. Memunculkan aura cinta yang menerangi bilik ketika itu. Hingga akhirnya terlontar juga sebuah pertanyaan yang selama ini saya pendamkan. "Kenapa kamu memilih dia?" Dia tersenyum simpul lalu bangkit dari baringnya sambil meraih telefon bimbitnya dibawah bantalku. Perlahan dia membuka laci meja hiasnya. Dengan bantuan lampu LCD handphone dia mengais lembaran kertas didalamnya. Perlahan dia menutup laci kembali lalu menyerahkan sekeping sampul kepada saya. Saya menerima handphone dari tangannya. Sampul putih panjang dengan cop surat syarikat tempat calon suaminya bekerja. Apa ini?. Saya melihatnya tanpa mengerti.

Eeh..., dia malah ketawa geli hati.

"Buka aja."

Sebuah kertas saya tarik keluar. Kertas putih bersaiz A4, saya melihat warnanya putih. "Teruknya dia ni."

Saya menggeleng-gelengka n kepala sambil menahan senyum.

Sementara dia cuma ketawa melihat ekspresi saya. Saya mula membacanya. Saya membaca satu kalimat diatas, dibarisan paling atas. Dan sampai saat inipun saya masih hafal dengan kata-katanya. Begini isi surat itu........

************ ********* *******

Kepada ...... Calon isteri saya, calon ibu anak-anak saya, calon menantu Ibu saya dan calon kakak buat adik-adik saya Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb. Mohon maaf kalau anda tidak berkenan. Tapi saya mohon bacalah surat ini hingga akhir. Baru kemudian silakan dibuang atau dibakar, tapi saya mohon, bacalah dulu sampai selesai. Saya, yang bernama_____menginginkan anda______ untuk menjadi isteri saya. Saya bukan siapa-siapa. Saya hanya manusia biasa. Buat masa ini saya mempunyai pekerjaan. Tetapi saya tidak tahu apakah kemudiannya saya akan tetap bekerja. Tapi yang pasti saya akan berusaha mendapatkan rezeki untuk mencukupi keperluan isteri dan anak-anakku kelak. Saya memang masih menyewa rumah. Dan saya tidak tahu apakah kemudiannya akan terus menyewa selamannya. Yang pasti, saya akan tetap berusaha agar isteri dan anak-anak saya tidak kepanasan dan tidak kehujanan. Saya hanyalah manusia biasa, yang punya banyak kelemahan dan beberapa kelebihan. Saya menginginkan anda untuk mendampingi saya. Untuk menutupi kelemahan saya dan mengendalikan kelebihan saya.Saya hanya manusia biasa. Cinta saya juga biasa saja. Oleh kerana itu Saya menginginkan anda supaya membantu saya memupuk dan merawat cinta ini, agar menjadi luar biasa. Saya tidak tahu apakah kita nanti dapat bersama-sama sampai mati. Kerana saya tidak tahu suratan jodoh saya. Yang pasti saya akan berusaha sekuat tenaga menjadi suami dan ayah yang baik. Kenapa saya memilih anda? Sampai saat ini saya tidak tahu kenapa saya memilih anda. Saya sudah sholat istikharah berkali-kali, dan saya semakin mantap memilih anda. Yang saya tahu, Saya memilih anda kerana Allah. Dan yang pasti, saya menikah untuk menyempurnakan agama saya, juga sunnah Rasulullah. Saya tidak berani menjanjikan apa-apa, saya hanya berusaha sekuat mungkin menjadi lebih baik dari sekarang ini. Saya memohon anda sholat istiqarah dulu sebelum memberi jawapan pada saya. Saya beri masa minima 1 minggu, maksima 1 bulan. Semoga Allah redha dengan jalan yang kita tempuh ini. Amin Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb

************ ********* *********

Saya memandang surat itu lama. Berkali-kali saya membacanya. Baru kali ini saya membaca surat 'lamaran' yang begitu indah. Sederhana, jujur dan realistik. Tanpa janji-janji yang melambung dan kata yang berbunga-bunga. Surat cinta biasa. Saya menatap sahabat disamping saya. Dia menatap saya dengan senyum tertahan.

"Kenapa kamu memilih dia.....?"

"Kerana dia manusia biasa......." Dia menjawab mantap.

"Dia sedar bahawa dia manusia biasa. Dia masih punya Allah yang mengatur hidupnya. Yang aku tahu dia akan selalu berusaha tapi dia tidak menjanjikan apa-apa. Soalnya dia tidak tahu, apa yang akan terjadi pada kami kemudian hari. Entah kenapa, justeru itu memberikan kesenangan tersendiri buat aku.."


"Dunia ini fana. Apa yang kita punya hari ini belum tentu esok masih ada dan menjadi milik kita. Betul tak? Paling tidak.... Aku tau bahawa dia tidak akan frust kalau suatu masa nanti kami jadi miskin. "

Ssttt....."Saya menutup mulutnya.

Khuatir kalu ada yang tau kami belum tidur. Terdiam kami memasang telinga. Sunyi. Suara jengkering terdengar nyaring diluar tembok. Kami saling berpandangan lalu gelak sambil menutup mulut masing-masing.

"Udah tidur. Esok kamu mengantuk, aku pula yang dimarahi Mama."

Kami kembali berbaring. Tapi mata ini tidak boleh pejam. Percakapan kami tadi masih terngiang terus ditelinga saya.

"Gik.....?" "Tidur.....Dah malam." Saya menjawab tanpa menoleh padanya.

Saya ingin dia tidur, agar dia kelihatan cantik jelita esok pagi. Rasa mengantuk saya telah hilang, rasanya tidak akan tidur semalaman ini. Satu lagi pelajaran dari pernikahan saya peroleh hari itu. Ketika manusia sedar dengan kemanusiaannya.

Sedar bahawa ada hal lain yang mengatur segala kehidupannya. Begitu juga dengan sebuah pernikahan. Suratan jodoh sudah terpahat sejak roh ditiupkan dalam rahim. Tidak ada seorang pun yang tahu bagaimana dan berapa lama pernikahannya kelak. Lalu menjadikan proses menuju pernikahan bukanlah sebagai beban tetapi sebuah 'proses usaha'. Betapa indah bila proses menuju pernikahan mengabaikan harta, takhta dan 'nama'. Status diri yang selama ini melekat dan dibanggakan (aku anak orang ini/itu), ditanggalkan. Ketika segala yang 'melekat' pada diri bukanlah dijadikan pertimbangan yang utama. Pernikahan hanya dilandasi kerana Allah semata. Diniatkan untuk ibadah. Menyerahkan segalanya pada Allah yang membuat senarionya. Maka semua menjadi indah. Hanya Allah yang mampu menggerakkan hati setiap hamba-NYA. Hanya Allah yang mampu memudahkan segala urusan. Hanya Allah yang mampu menyegerakan sebuah pernikahan. Kita hanya boleh memohon keredhaan Allah. MemintaNYA mengurniakan barakah dalam sebuah pernikahan. Hanya Allah jua yang akan menjaga ketenangan dan kemantapan untuk menikah. Jadi, bagaimana dengan cinta? Ibu saya pernah berkata, Cinta itu proses. Proses dari ada, menjadi hadir,lalu tumbuh, kemudian merawatnya. Agar cinta itu dapat bersemi dengan indah menaungi dua insan dalam pernikahan yang suci. Cinta tumbuh kerana suami/isteri (belahan jiwa). Cinta paling halal dan suci. Cinta dua manusia biasa, yang berusaha menggabungkannya agar menjadi cinta yang luar biasa. Amin.

Wallahu 'alam.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Am I coffee or tea? i'm a nescafe!! ;p

You Are Coffee
You are highly ambitious and goal oriented. You feel like there isn't enough time in your day to get it all done.
You are outgoing and creative. You love talking with people, thinking up crazy plans, and then acting immediately on them.

When it comes to caffeine, you'd like a refill. You can almost always use an energy boost.
Life is too short. You're going to get as much out of it as you can. You live for today.

Friday, February 13, 2009

bila baju melayu bertemu baju kurung~

the title was a title of the talk i attended at masjid just now..was a very useful and awakening for me..and i hope for others is actually for those who r thinking to celebrate the V i hope they will think again..;p not to say i'm a good person for not going to have fun on dat day..but it's kinda true..why should we wait till the 14th feb to celebrate and cherish your loved ones..any day can..especially on birthdays (mine on 23th feb ok ;p) or maybe on any day..present can be given even without any reason rite? just as a token of remembrance can be a good reason..

today..i discover that a good friend is really hard to find..just as i thought i have found one..there's a thick wall standing in-between..i admit i a very sensitive person so please..don't try me if u cant stand to take a risk..i am super fast to explode but i am too.. super fast to feel the guilt and cool thing that i discover bout myself this week..i cant stand people keeping secrets away from's just hurt! really! but if u feel u wanted me away from u, so start being silence and keep secrets from me so i'll definitely be away..definitely!!

and i thought this sem would be a different with the opposite..but its seems to worsen~ but the talk today remind me that i dont need that to excel! so i think i will stick to be a Schuzyy..well, if u saw me today..u would think i'm fluctuating..i can be a silence good girl a moment..and a supertalkative friendly at another..and a super-full-of-emotions azy at another..u really should try to avoid me at that time..but try not to make it too obvious because i might just explode!! oo yeahh...what happened today was..bob..a friend from gmi came by and we lepak for a i've changed..just too happy to see a friend u know before again..but i think that is the real me..well..not sure..but well..i think i act accordingly~ xcited when i should..serious when needed..just the emotions i cant hide..sorry..i a type of girl who is true to her feeling~ friends should have known what i meant~ ;p

Thursday, February 12, 2009

my history~

just checked my other blog surprised..i started blogging since 2005..haha..never realized that till just now..thought i am buta it.which i still think i am..hahaha...last nite..busy with agama's notes..i still managed to steal time to read k onny's blog..which has made me think to make this blog a public..still scared..bcause the fact of people reading what i'm thinking and what i'm doing kinda make me wonder what they would say bout me..people have right to judge..but just to say " ada aku kesah?" wont make me relief in any way..haha..maybe i might give it a think again before letting this go public again..another there anyone out there who wants to read my 'repekan' in here? hahaha~

What Kind of Communicator Am I?

You Communicate Passionately

You speak from the heart. You can't separate your feelings from what you're saying, even in a professional context.

You tend to speak dramatically, with lots of passion and emotion. It's easy for you to get swept up in what you're saying.

You like to connect with people early on so that you can personalize what you are saying to them.

When you converse, you try to find common ground and harmony. Even if you disagree with someone, you try to emphasize where you agree.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a moment b4 asleep~

just to recap what i been doing or to be precise..observing~..nothing much..because had a visit from my parents and had a lot of walking and talking and chit-chatting..hehe..all in was just so much fun..they are going holidays for 2 weeks end of next i'll be left here..imagine what would i be doing..gosh..hope everything wolud be fine..hope no visiting to abg ja's hous..soory to say...but i still have a little dislike towards him..uhu..hope he could change in this distant future..just can't stand having a brother who keeps on bothering his old my torture too u this ever going to end? hmm...lately...the topic of marriage..keep on coming to my head..its indeed a very interesting topic to be thinking of..but more deeply i think of just made me scared even much i need to know before i really xperience it myself i guess...looking at those people around me..really make me thinking...hmm..that for now..have class at 8am tmorrow..nite2~

Friday, February 6, 2009


can weekends consider as holiday? think not..well..i think as students..we just need to spend our weekends with all those homework and revision..tired..for sure..but its just how a student should live their live..i had a super dark experience back then..maybe not that dark..just that..i used to spend my time going out and all..having fun...can't and don't want to face and problem or stress at all..especially the fact that our campus( can i call it campus? hmm) is situated in somewhere in it was really a heaven!! jaya jusco was our daily a little the times square we went~ just so much fun...unlike now..i know i miss those fun..but remembering that was all mistakes that i should avoid repeating..just concentrating on being a good student..remembered doing this survey on blogthings..on how good of a student am i? well it says i am a great student!! hoho...yes i am!! and i will always be!! hehe..just scared i might repeat the same mistakes again..scared2~~ but for now..i'm in my 2nd year..i missed 1 DL..sad..but still this sem i could get another one..insyaAllah~ oo..back to the topic..what i wanted to say is..this weekend..including the monday holiday of thaipusam and maulidurasul....(to be continue~)

1st of thousands to come~

hello!! since this is my first entry, so i think there's just too much too say..can't wait to pour it all here...i'm actually no xpecting any readers..since this would be my ultimate sink for everything cross my mind...i'm an that's what i do..i observe people and what is happening in my life as a schuzyy~ mind my english..i know its not that this blog will also be my platform to practise my english..i might use malay too..german a bit maybe..hehe..this is my 2nd blog actually..1st was the one with friendster. but friendster seems to be outdated so mayb blogspot is better..hehe..sorry!'s observation..

i just discovered that i am a friendly but choosy type of person..i dislikes guys..especially those 'everywhere' kind of education backgrond make me like this..i love to have a nice little chat with anyone as long as their name is woman..even makcik cleaner..that's what my friend says..hehe..but another friend says..i should be more friendly with guys since i'm in engineering field, so, mixing with guys is unavoidable..sad~

next agenda~

i discovered i more thing bout myself today...i hate the word.." ada laa~" if you dont want to share something with other..please...please..dont ever mention it in front of just hurt~ secret will be a secret when u never mention it at all..please!! well maybe i'm just not worth to be told..anything laa~ just please!!! dont do that in front of me..well for guys..i think it should apply the same..but my previous xperience shows that they might be a lil one is still under observation.. ;p

still coming~

another discovery today..i love beautiful women too..not in any wrong way..just admiring god's my personal opinion..covered can also be point is..i'm still shocked to see friends of mine..changed..not sure why..but..that kind of changes just cant be acceptable..sorry to say..u might say what should i care..well..i do care since u are my friend!! for me friendship is everything!! cant live without one!! can even eat without one..prefer to tapau~ hehe..just praying hard they know what they are doing..just hoping for the best for all of us!!